Saturday, July 17, 2010


Something I had to share...

A friend loves you all the time. — Proverbs 17:17 NCV

Every friendship arises out of some kind of invitation. Inviting is active. Inviting says, “I was thinking about you, and I am requesting your presence.” Inviting says, “I have made time for you and me to celebrate.” Inviting makes a hopeful promise of good times.
To the party of friendship, you must bring a gift. You’ve been invited, remember? “Your presence is requested.” It would be far easier to bring a kitchen gadget. C. S. Lewis cautions us that we may act kindly, correctly, justly . . . and yet withhold the giving of ourselves, which is love. To offer a vulnerable nugget of your soul that has been mined from a deep, sometimes dark, place is more valuable than gold to your friend.
— Nicole Johnson

The word friend is often misused.

To say someone is your friend means what?  Does it mean that you would call them to share you good news & bad news?  OR  Does it mean that you simply know that person?

A friend should be trustworthy. Unconditional. Nonjudgemental. Forgiving. Honest. Real.  A good friend can show up at your messy house, move a pile of laundry on your couch and share a glass of tea, just because.  The great friend will help you fold that pile of laundry!

Good friends will love your children, if for no other reason just because you do.  If your child requires something extra - they will take a moment to understand your child's special needs, making you & your child feel safe and loved.

Disclaimers are not required with friends.  If you tell them you are ready to sell your children to the Gypsies, they will know you are not serious and that loosing your children would be like loosing the ability to breathe.

A good friend listens to you, even when you ramble on, and they love you anyway.  They cry when you hurt, they laugh when you laugh at yourself, and they rejoice with you about even the little things.

They find the good in you even when you can't.  You leave them feeling better than when you arrived.  Not wondering if you are being judged.

Friendships cross all levels of social class, education, race, and interests.

I am learning that there are many types and levels of friendship.  My neighbor said to me Thursday - "friendships should be easy".  She was talking about how real friendships are void of judgement, expectations, and stress.  If you leave a conversation with a friend feeling bad about yourself... I think this is not a great friend.

As I talk with many 'friends' throughout my day, I kept thinking... friendships are supposed to be easy... is this easy?

Now I think I will be careful with my words.  Instead of saying 'my friend', I may say 'I know this gal who...'  Also, it's okay not to be friends with everyone.  Everyone should be friends with me though.  HA!

When I think about why people ask for my friendship... Instead of thinking I have nothing to offer them - I will remember my real friends. The ones who build me up, who love me just because.  The friends who don't want anything but "a vulnerable nugget of your soul that has been mined from a deep, sometimes dark, place." 

Tell me, what makes your real friends, your friend?


  1. Amen.

    Let no one ever make you feel like you are not a good enough writer.

  2. My "REAL" friends are everything you describe in your blog. I have many friends who love me for me, expect nothing of me, but really want everything for me. My friends know that I will always be there no matter the need, the time or the occasion. Thank you for writing this, it really does describe the true meaning of "REAL" friendship and I am happy to call you my "Real" friend. Love, LaDonna

  3. Walk to your bathroom and look in the mirror and you will see a "real" friend. I thank God for a friend like you. You smack me around (not physically) when I need it and you give me great advice. The only thing that would make this friendship better is if I could come to your house and talk to you face to face. Thanks for being a "REAL" friend!!!!

