Friday, August 20, 2010

New Pet?

So we have this critter living outside our front door.  Yes, I said critter.  Anything that is bigger than my big toe is a critter in my world.  It is rather pretty as critters go.  Anyone know what it might be?

Thank heavens for a zoom.  
I just knew this thing would take off at any moment,
 I would fall of the step and smash my camera!

I tried to get a close up of the antenna.  
They look like leaves that you can see each vein.

Okay folks... what is our new pet?  And why wont she leave?


  1. so it is a Luna Moth and it's a male. Apparently males have bushy antennae. I guess the Luna moths I have seen in the past were not really luna moths. They were all darker. He is rather beautiful, bushy antennae and all.

  2. Gorgeous photos!! WOW!! We had one of those on our house in California. He stayed around for a day or two then flew off.

    These photos really are tremendous!

  3. Wow, what a beautiful critter to have hanging around! And great photos by the way!
