Monday, July 9, 2012

Happiness is...

friends that know you better than you know yourself.
friends that can listen to you and never judge.
friends that you can go without talking to for days and pick up where you left off.
friends that can answer the phone and know by your tone what you're really feeling.
friends that laugh with you before you even realize you should be laughing.
friends that let you blow things out of proportion and help you gain perspective.
friends that know how crazy you are about your man even when he's driving you crazy.
friends that call just so they don't have to clean their toilets in silence.
friends that cry with you - cause they just love you that much.
friends that are true enough to let you know when you are being unrealistic.
friends will laugh with you so much, your cheeks hurt - miles apart - over something simple.
friends can sit beside you - in silence - and enjoy just being together.
friends can make you feel like the world is yours in the lonely times.

friends come and go. Some go, leaving you wondering what ever happened. Some stick around forever leaving you humbled and wondering why.

Today, I am so very thankful for my friends. The pure Joy they bring to my day. The laughter they share. Making me a better person, just by being in my life.

Thank you friends. I love you.

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