Monday, May 10, 2010

Little things...

The little things are sometimes the things that have the biggest impact.  
Both positive and negative.

Yesterday was Mother's day.  A day set aside to honor mothers.  A day when the kids are encouraged by dad to behave the best they can, to get along, no fighting - because it's Mother's Day after all!

This year Mother's Day was great.  In fact it was the best yet.

Husband's gift was wonderful.  It wasn't something elaborate and over the top.  It wasn't jewelry, a day at the spa, or a weekend away.  This gift was something full of thought and purpose.  It was a book.  Not just any ol book, but a book with meaning.  See, two years ago Husband gave me a wonderful camera.  It's a great camera, very fancy.  However, I know that I have not yet begun to tap into the potential of what this camera can do.  I wanted to learn more.  Husband took the time to find me not just any book about taking pictures, but a very specific, highly recommended book about taking pictures with MY camera.  THAT was wonderful.  A simple gift that spoke volumes and meant even more.

Following suit, the girls also gave remarkable gifts.  As parents we can sometimes fall prey to picking gifts for our children to give.  We may even lead them along a certain path.  I love it when my girls do their own choosing.  On the surface, their gifts may seem odd or unconventional, but to them it's perfect!  When you take a moment and ask them why they chose a particular gift, you will find you are amazed and your heart does an extra flutter.

Daughter 2 once gave her Kinder teacher a garden hoe with an adjustable handle.  Imagine the looks during teacher appreciation week.  Most kids are carrying candles, ties, and candies.  Not my girl.  She knew her teacher loved to garden and that he was due to have back surgery.  She thought this was a perfect gift, he could garden without hurting his back.

Mother's day was not full of fancy dinners.  We ate lunch at Five Guys.  Then we sat on the deck.  We read, painted, had a battle throwing mini marshmallows, and finished off with nerf gun wars in the front yard.

It was a day full of little things.  
Little things that had a huge impact.

1 comment:

  1. We ate a Five Guys too!! Or rather, hubs brought it home since there was still up-chucking going on. :(

    Your day sounds perfect and lovely. And what a wonder your daughter is. What a lucky teacher she has.

    You are, indeed, a great mom! Happy mom's day, and let's get out and utilize that gift! :)
